La Bodega @ Telawi Bangsar
All out of ideas for Easter and what to bring to that Pot-Luck Party, That Get2gether, That Children's Church Party, That Social event..?
Don't be boring and bring a SALAD.
Be the talk of the town and bring HOT CROSS BUNS - yea, you heard me.. something we sing about in nursery rhymes but have not seen let alone EATEN for the longest time! (buns made with the 100% goodness of sweet potato dough.. what could be more wholesome for a children's party?) You can get your first taste of these buns at SFX Church Jalan Gasing Bake Sale this weekend. (Or just buzz Just Heavenly if you cannot wait till this weekend to taste them!)
and/or better yet.. be every host's dream and bring along....
(when was the last time you sank your teeth into a butter cream cake laced with Cointreau.. Creme anglaise, italian meringue, butter .. ! I just died and went to heaven:P)

If you hunger for either of these... click on the ICON! Happy Easter!
The Baker's PAD :
Just Heavenly,
No 47 Jalan Terasek,
Bangsar Baru,
59100 Kuala Lumpur,
Tel; 03-22879866
Just Heavenly Pleasures
G1.05 & G. 1.06, Epicure
Jalan Medan Setia 1
Bukit Damansara
Kuala Lumpur
oh! thanks for reminding me it's going to be easter weekend
Aiyo my love...We're your heroes ah???? I'm sure that includes FBB. ;-) Thank you sooo much. Much appreciated. Ever willing to lay down cape so you can step over muddy puddles without getting the Manolos dirty! ;-)
Such an honour to be named "heros" by the most gorgeous blogger in town! ;-)
oooh, add a few word/thought bubbles and you got yourself a cool comic page!
lol.. yes it is .. fast huh, how the year flies by?
allan & Nigel:
lol.. of course u r all my SHUPA HEROS la , for sure!
monkey boy:
WOWZERS! dare i dream.. hehe.. coming fm u tt's a real compliment la.. wa.. the day i get close to your artwork.. faint:P TQ!
ohh...the vanilla dream has liquor one ahh?? time to pay JHP in DH atr visit...
Yay, good job plugging SFX :-)
I have placed my order!! Now now..i just can't wait...yumzz!
of course got liquor.. go get ur cake! lol
thx.. ru going for the bake sale? cya at that lunch soon:D
wah.. so fast kah u.. (good idea, incase all sold out.. u never know with the festive month!)
I used to dread eating hot cross buns cos I had awful ones during easter in UK (free from uni ma...). =P
I might just change my mind when I try these!
chis, u oso blog about same we fighting for readers...hahahahah.
dang, looks like i gotta make ANOTHER trip to the bake supply shop to buy supplies to make HXBs....
nigel, mana itu recipe....quick.
Happy Easter to you too!~
aww how i wish that my man can cook
"Don't be boring and bring a SALAD."
haha, i can just imagine your expression while saying that!!! u rawk!
yea, my exact sentiments.. till now. these buns are amazing. go try!
no fighting.. the more the merrier! hehe.. (oh, and gr8 minds think alike!)
happy easter 2u2!
lol..wanna go for classes wiv me?
lol.. u know me well!
aiyo guys thanks so much...very embraced now *blushing*
how do i get there? is it a shop?
its the turning on your right ( at the junction when bangsar village is on ur left). that's jalan terasek.
Or u can call the number posted for directions. cheers. happy easter
sorry i forgot to say, you are not looking for a shop. Its a HOUSE with a blue diamond 'just heavenly' at the gate! thx
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