Sunday, November 1, 2009

DAIKANYAMA Harajuku Harroween - Night of Kawaii Madness !!!

Blastique rocked the decks and we rocked the night! Daikanyama KL, partied with Demons, Harajuku Princesses, Sultans, Zombies and Ghouls.. till the wee hours of the morn.

Harajuku Harroween_Bar Italia4-1
Girls just wanna have fun.. Harajuku princesses getting ready for the night out..

Harajuku Harroween_Bar Italia-1
Bald Eagle.. where's the love... ?

Harajuku Harroween_Bar Italia5-1
Someone removed BE's "kawaii" bone.. and didn't give it back:P

Harajuku Harroween_Bar Italia3-1
Harajuku Harroween_Bar Italia2-1
Cursed land, decimated by time
Human life has been picked clean
Swamp filled with bodies

Re-animate to devourer
Eat alive all who step foot in this land
There is no hope for survival

Will puah
They have mindless hunger in their eyes
Rotten fingers grip at your skin
Black teeth feast on your flesh

Releasing you of your life
Pulled into a pit of zombies

python queen
Feeding ground of the damned
Your body they consume
Flesh rips and bones snap
Ripped apart limb from limb
The last sight of your life
Is the face of death

python queen 2
Rotten and covered in maggots
This gore is your doom
Staying here forever
In this cursed zombie land

-poem from here

Kawaii 可愛

Kawaii is a Japanese term which means "cute". Cuteness seems to be a highly valued aesthetic quality in Japanese society and particularly Japanese pop culture, and overpowering cuteness seems to carry less of the stigma of infantilization as it does in many other cultures. Kawaii is pronounced /ka.wa.ii/ (not to be confused with "kowai", /ko.wa.i/ the Japanese term for "scary").


"Will you walk into my parlor?"
said the spider to the fly;
"Tis the prettiest little parlor that you ever did spy.
The way into my parlor is up a winding stair,
And I have many curious things to show when you are there."
"Oh no, no!" said the little fly,
"to ask me is in vain;
For who goes up your winding stair
can never come down again."

Recently Updated-1
Happy Halloween from C&C !

Harajuku Harroween_Bar Italia1
Have a great week!

Thank you PA for your Will Quah shots
Thank you girls for making it a fun night out.. also Bald Eagle, Brother B and Nigel/Allan.
Thank you Barri for being a smashing host!


rokh said...

whoa cool! fun and scary it seems.

Sean said...

wah, u gals were dressed to kill!

minchow said...

Gaahhh!! Definitely one of THE parties of the year! *kicks self again and again for missing it*

eiling lim said...

Looking good! Looks like a fun nite you guys had!

Huai Bin said...

Hey that looks like a lot of fun! =D

My Halloween was a bit more subdued. T_T

Rebecca Saw said...

Whoa! What a halloween! Should post up a full pic of ya costume!!

Allan Yap & Nigel A. Skelchy said...

hahaha. :-) Fun nite at Daikanyama & Frangis. Thanks for the SAKE lubs. Oh and it's Will QUAH! ;-) You shoulda seen him in his superhero costume on 31 ;-) Very adorable!

J said...

Nice post fellow Harajuku Harroween grrl! :)
(Gosh, such a big photo my face?? Haha.... )

backStreetGluttons said...

We luv da kute gals , the supertannnned , Frenchie glory , the aromatic whifff tho v aint 2 sure bout da baldies...and omg da loweened prose ( kenny ... watch out here she comes !)

Ciki said...

rokh, sean, min:
next time you all better come!chis:P hehe

eiling, HB:
pls join us next time;)

i think PA has one

sorry lah cuz... i dunno him mah.. but he had a gr8 costume!


eh,we invited you, where were you..

"Joe" who is constantly craving said...

more harroween than harajuku la..

too bad i was resting my hamstrings playing fifa10 if not i would have come haha..

Ciki said...

we aim to please..

well, if u had been there im sure YOU would have dressed up.. sure:P

iamthewitch said...

Nice party! And scary costumes & makeup you guys have! :)

Ciki said...

mwwuahahaha! i vant ur blurrd!

fatboybakes said...

phwah, looks like i missed the pahtay of the week. oh well, i not so glamour anyways.... so would've been out of place.

Ciki said...

But somebody partied at marketplace wat.. LOL..

ahpa said...

ciki, SHHHHHHHHHHHHHH! that info is NOT for all and sundry, cis bedebah. i was abducted and brought there kicking and screaming.

qwazymonkey said...

Wow, you guys rock the house. I think I would have fit right in with my zombie face, panda eyes and pale face that night after my warehouse sales.

ahpa: sure you're damn laku at the meatmarket

Kongnichiiwa said...

i looked really drunk - it was fun alright to be surrounded by the young Harroween gals....made me feel like an old uncle

Ciki said...



Brother B:
u look fine la;)