Ribb-it... Ribb-it...

A frog telephoned the Psychic Hotline and was told, "You are going to
meet a beautiful young woman who will want to know everything about
you." The frog said, "That's great! Will I meet her at a party, or
what?" "No," said the psychic, "Next term, in her biology class."
TeeHeehee :D
In this case... you will meet her - at Klang Palace Restaurant, over Dimsum!
(Oh.. how cruel.. what to do... I am Chinese - I eat almost everything with its back to the sun):P
(Oh.. how cruel.. what to do... I am Chinese - I eat almost everything with its back to the sun):P

We read about this place via Julian Si's blog.
Since we were going to be in Klang that fine afternoon, we decided to swing by and check out the Dimsum at Klang Palace, Centro Mall.
We were early, so the place was relatively empty and service was fast.
Jules was right. Some of the dimsum was fair.. but some of it was EXCELLENT!
The Loh Mai Kai was really delicious. Not too wet/overly greasy like some places do it - the rice is sticky(but not drenched) and succulent with flavour. They were generous with their Lio (ingredients) too, which was nice.
This was my favourite of the day. The Pei Tan Sau Yoke Chok! (Century egg with pork strips porridge). The porridge is thick and sweet(I hate runny, thin porridge, unless it is meant to be runny and thin like the Teow Chew Moi/Chok) and again bursting with Lio (ingredients).
The crispy Yau Char Kwai on top really is the icing on the cake. Every mouthful was "Century egg/YauCharKwai/Pork Meat/Spring Onion" rapture! Very, Very good.
Total Bill - RM57.40 for 2 persons
For directions and other review see Julian Si's blog.
The crispy Yau Char Kwai on top really is the icing on the cake. Every mouthful was "Century egg/YauCharKwai/Pork Meat/Spring Onion" rapture! Very, Very good.

Total Bill - RM57.40 for 2 persons
For directions and other review see Julian Si's blog.
Klang Palace Restaurant,
F101, F102, 1st Floor,
Centro Mall,
Jalan Batu Tiga,
41300, Klang.
Loh Mai Kai:7/10
Service: Fast during off peak
*in public* Poor amfibians. *actually thinking* Hmm long time no eat!
I was thinking... "huh, frog in dim sum??" But luckily no... phew :P
Wow never tried their dimsum though i live nearby! If ever you come to Klang, do give us a shout =)
oh.. not in the dimsum.. but in the other side dishes!
jojo & kath:
really? oh cool.. more people to hangout with.. what's more experts in klang area:D
Long time didn't go to klang oredi~~Plan to hv klang day trip , hehe morning eat bkt& nite eat seafood^^
Awww thanks for linking to my blog, so very kind :-)
Cheers from RAINY Klang...
ERM, runny chok seems more teochew but that bowl looks so delicious.
that sounds like a really good plan!
no problemo
yup - the only time i like my chok runny is if it is teochew chok. Otherwise for pork porridge, century egg porridge etc, froggie leg porridge.. i like it so thick i can stand my spoon in it! of course it gets runnier as you eat it, but dat's ok;D
wah, the chok is so lioful!!! wah lio!!!
lol.. farnee.. comedian ah u..:P
Didn't know that Klang has good dim sum. Must try this out soon! Nice looking porridge there... and i luv loh mai kai!
I was looking to seeing how those frogs were prepared! Did you not have any?
klang has a lot of good food!
lol.. we didn't have any this time:D
dim sum again!! this looks much better than jing xuan..am drooling
Y I saw a veggie stem in the porridge? Or it's a spring onion?
I've seen how they erm... prepare those frogs... eee, nasty wei... bloody actually...
lol.. but jing xuan value for money mah...
didja feel it.. ? was it cold? (just kidding).. but seriously, what color was it..?
Hahaha...you ar...showing me the stomach-turning pics of frogs to introduce me to dim sum?:p
Seems like an interesting introduction though, I like the meeting the gorgeous girl who wants to know all about him...*laughs out loud*
awww, i lurve frog....
its supposed to be healthier than chicken too....
dim sum looks gewd!!! jules verne sure knows how to travel around the food world...
corny joke.. from a corny gal hurhur:D
sew.. u like the frog joke eh.. there's more, where that came from.. hahaha.. but I don't think you'll survive it!!!
yea, frog is good.. but it taste like chicken (which reminds me of that lesbian frog joke .. but nevermind.. haha) and for that size of meat, id just rather eat chicken! u know?
and i agree with you, that jules knows klang like the palm of his hand.. and most of kl, pj as well.. hardcore
I know exactly what you mean about thin and runny porridge... I like mine thicker and bursting with flavour and ingredients!
Of course, the froggy bits at the top of the posts are now making me hunger for frog porridge... *tummy growls*
ribb-it :P
We are definitely a dim sum crazz! truelt awesome when encounter with a dim sum session!
you have just showed us fatties the way to eating deep for 2 and then getting ready again for the next ( and next ) to become even more slim
This is a stone's throw away from my parents' place and I have yet to eat here. Must convince parents to go there some day, but it's so hard, considering the fact that there are so many good restaurants in Klang competing with each other.
Looks really yummy, and with plus points of aircond and reasonable price. I'll give it a try one of these days ;)
ok.. will wait for the dimsum get2gether session:D
slim or fat no worries.. as long as enjoy good food;P
a case of too close to home eh? i know what you are sayin..
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