Funky Cars with your Fun Kee Wantan Mee?
We've been sports car shopping.. but they didn't have my color nor white leather bucket seats... so... ;P
Actually, we were here for lunch. Fun Kee has been around for 40 years and the furniture and flooring sure shows.
Old wooden chairs and a mix of wood and marble tables makes me feel like I've just stepped into an old coffee shop in Ipoh.. thank God no spit-buckets (yarks!)
You may also refer to this place as the 'day time wantan mee' as there is the other popular late night/wee hours wantan mee about 500m down the road which has always been a hit with the 'late night supper seekers' plus there is the 'after-party crowd' that is if they survive the police block further up.
You may also refer to this place as the 'day time wantan mee' as there is the other popular late night/wee hours wantan mee about 500m down the road which has always been a hit with the 'late night supper seekers' plus there is the 'after-party crowd' that is if they survive the police block further up.
The chili paste is not beancurd. They just put it in a beancurd bottle. Even though the paste is bright red (I wonder if it glows under UV??!), I like it because even if you use heaps of it, it doesn't have that weird bitter plasticky taste that some Hokkien Mee belacan chili paste has. It's spicy and tasty.

Between the two of us, we ate 3 kinds of noodles. The Charsiew wantan mee, the Cantonese-style Fried Beef Kwey Teow (Korn Chaw Ngau Hor Wat Tarn Ngau Yuk Hor Fun) and the Specialty/Trademark Noodles.
The Charsiew wantan mee was not the best I have had, but the noodles were super springy/has a bite(kinda like how ipoh stalls has it) and had a distinct old-school taste. How do I describe it? It's some sort of old chinese wine/lard taste that not all wantan noodles have. It's good. The Charsiew was so-so only. My advice is to order the lean cuts as the fat does not melt-in-your-mouth here.
The Ginger Beef Rice Noodles was super slippery and tender! I love the way you need to grab the beef twice (as it slips) because it is so smooth .. delicious. Much better than the Soo Kee(Imbi) as the slices are finer and the meat melts in your mouth.
Finally our favourite dish of the day, the specialty noodle. Greasy, Smoky with Wok Hei, I ate this last.. but ate it the quickest! It's like a cross between a Charsiew Noodle and a Singapore Noodle. Highly recommended.
Besides these dishes, the restaurant offers wantan noodles with different toppings (eg. braised pork with woodears, chicken feet etc etc), fried rice (apparently recommended by the owner) and the usual fried noodle selections (eg. Cantonese style fried egg noodles, hokkien mee, singapore mee etc etc)

Mr Lee says, "40 years.. not bad huh? My father, his father and his father's father started up this place. The place looks old, but the customers like it that way. We just touch up the stuff that's crumbly from time to time, but that's it. The rest stays."
He proudly points to the number plate on the wall. Apparently from his uncle residing in the US. He tells us to remind our friends to stop by for Makan, when they can.

Anyway, the next time you are out shopping for a sports car, don't forget to take a break and have your lunch here, ok? Oh and, consider yourselves, reminded.. ;)
Cumi: If you are lucky during lunch time, you might catch the grumpy fruit rojak man. Nothing special about the rojak.. however, if you prefer your rojak less sweet, this might be for you. the chopped roasted peanuts were crunchy and so was the prawn cracker. Fruits were too young though. It was quite large for 1 person (RM4) so best to share with others.
The Charsiew wantan mee was not the best I have had, but the noodles were super springy/has a bite(kinda like how ipoh stalls has it) and had a distinct old-school taste. How do I describe it? It's some sort of old chinese wine/lard taste that not all wantan noodles have. It's good. The Charsiew was so-so only. My advice is to order the lean cuts as the fat does not melt-in-your-mouth here.
The Ginger Beef Rice Noodles was super slippery and tender! I love the way you need to grab the beef twice (as it slips) because it is so smooth .. delicious. Much better than the Soo Kee(Imbi) as the slices are finer and the meat melts in your mouth.
Finally our favourite dish of the day, the specialty noodle. Greasy, Smoky with Wok Hei, I ate this last.. but ate it the quickest! It's like a cross between a Charsiew Noodle and a Singapore Noodle. Highly recommended.
Besides these dishes, the restaurant offers wantan noodles with different toppings (eg. braised pork with woodears, chicken feet etc etc), fried rice (apparently recommended by the owner) and the usual fried noodle selections (eg. Cantonese style fried egg noodles, hokkien mee, singapore mee etc etc)

Mr Lee says, "40 years.. not bad huh? My father, his father and his father's father started up this place. The place looks old, but the customers like it that way. We just touch up the stuff that's crumbly from time to time, but that's it. The rest stays."
He proudly points to the number plate on the wall. Apparently from his uncle residing in the US. He tells us to remind our friends to stop by for Makan, when they can.

Anyway, the next time you are out shopping for a sports car, don't forget to take a break and have your lunch here, ok? Oh and, consider yourselves, reminded.. ;)
Cumi: If you are lucky during lunch time, you might catch the grumpy fruit rojak man. Nothing special about the rojak.. however, if you prefer your rojak less sweet, this might be for you. the chopped roasted peanuts were crunchy and so was the prawn cracker. Fruits were too young though. It was quite large for 1 person (RM4) so best to share with others.
Check out this archaic fire extinguisher!
Hmmm.. still works! The pressure seems good! Old school quality - Made in England
Who else has eaten here?
Masak masak
Wantan Noodles:6/10
Beef Noodles:7/10
Specialty Noodles: 7.5/10
Chili paste:7/10
MSG levels: moderate
Fun Kee Restaurant,
No. 174-5, Jalan Sg Besi, 57100 KL.
Tel: 603 9221 1267
wowoww..its near my office..thks! been cravin for gd wantan mee too!
A jolly good place to buy a brand new sports car in an old shop !
then can slurp best noodles (better than Soo Kee )before meeting bsg at the backlane for round 4
Whoa... mr. Lee looks so young!
The rojak looks interesting, very different than ours here in Indonesia.
Awright! Since sports cars on that day aren't exactly fitting to your taste, ol skool super springy noodles will do just as fine!
mmm i lup the colour of the beef slices!
kon chau ngau hor more like wat tan hor leh ...
but tender, melt in mouth beef ... yummy stuff.
the last version, the signature one looks like fried zhai meen (vege noodles).
I love their beef wat tan hor! And I never fail to order a bowl of sui kow... =D
oooh, i know mr lee's cousin!
that crispies in the rojak looks like pork crackling!!!! is it?
sounds like a good treat!
uv or micro or laser, the chili looks deathly yummy with its fresh red colour.
ohhhh, that wif da signature egg noodle. hmmm, i wonder if i can ask the bus driver to drop me near there when i get back from sg...hehe
Yay to Mr Lee for maintaining the old-school ambiance!
So this is not the one open at midnite lor? Open on daytime only?
great news!
round 4?? wow.. killer!
he IS young:)
yup yup
me2.. me2
yea, isn't funny how everyone has their own way of naming similar noodles?
good to know and thanks for dropping by!
really.. wow! who is he?
erm no, it's not pork crackling la.. sorry to burst ur bubble :P
it is!
hahaha.. drop you off and do what???
wait for you ar?
really? some may say it's too old and crumbly! I like it like that too actually .. same,same!
not sure.. don't think so
ah, this is one place that i have driven by so many times and wondered what they served... now i know :P
every sort of noodle! go try..
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