Total Solar Eclipse Wednesday
Longest total solar eclipse of the 21st Century...
happening NOW!
happening NOW!

*photo from here
This will be the longest total solar eclipse until 2132! (6min 39sec at max point). Kids, out there, this means that The Moon is caught between the sun and the Earth while each of them moves along their fixed orbits. Astronomers hope the eclipse would help to improve their understanding of the sun as it would offer a prolonged view of the sun's corona.
- as reported on CNN

*photo from here
I told you this Wednesday was significant, didn't I?
Happy Total Eclipse Wednesday;)
this is definitely more exciting that "total eclipse of the heart". cant wait to read about all the weird sightings in tomorrow's paper!!!
how come i suddenly crave for mooncakes ar? it's the eclipse...
wuwu, cannt view eclipse from my skul (jitra,kedah)
cloud covered the sun :(
did not see it from Cheras maybe because of the rain.
will just sit right in front of the window today waiting for the total solar eclipse~~
What time did it supposed to be? Totally forgot! hehehe
no wonder we couldn't see you just now !
must be the werewolf in you.. aww awwwwwooooo! hehe
yar same here and in spore too. apparently fine weather in india!
dont hold your breath la.. cloudy!
8-10am ..!
i was eclipsed by the MOON! hehe
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