Bookfest !

Our feet are killing us! After walking all day at the KLCC convention centre, at the Bookfest.. we were ZONKED out!

Not only that.. ravenous!

No time to lose! Onward to Madam Kwan.. at least we won't have to wait there as they are renown for their fast service and YUMMIE food!

Yikes! We were wrong.. at 9.00pm it was still packed to the rafters...

My all time favourite !! The fried chicken at Madam Kwan's is to die for... I must have this everytime I am here..

Spicy curry laksa.. apparently the noodle texture was disappointing (hard) but the soup was good...

The Ipoh sar hor fun.., MINUS the hor-fun... so it was just beehoon, as they had run out. This affected the bowl of noodles... not as tasty to be sure.

Nasi Bojari!!! I find this the best dish of the LOT. It's still good, after all these years.. and it helps that my favourite fried chicken is part of the dish!

On to Chinoz on the Park for dessert because it is now 10.30 pm.. and there aren't many places left open in KLCC...
The chocolate cake is OOZY, WOOZY with chocolate... comments my friend happily.

The blueberry cheese cake was tangy, sour and sweet .. with a great creamy base... GOOOOOOOOOOOOOD!

Time to go... if I can lift the huge-ass bag of books next to me and make it to the car.. I will be a happy gal indeed... :)
Nasi Bojari is my fav too...a must order each time i visit Madam Kwan. So tempted to try other dishes but somehow ended with Nasi Bojari. Apart from the tasty fried chicken, i like the beef rendang too.
naji bojari make my mouth so watering!!
what's this Bookfest and why did I have to miss it??? I have to confess I have given up on Mdm Kwan's after a really awful toe curlingly sour asam laksa I had there - and they told me "Nobody else is complaining." I mean, honestly. So now I go to Little Penang kafe instead..
precious pea : same same!
yammylicious : uh-huh.
mingsuan : the bookfest was end of may till 1st June!! aiiyo.. u missed it woman! agree.. only the nasi bojari was good..
oh, you went for the bookfest? cool..was tempted to go but a look into my basket of unfinished books, i headed for makan instead...hehe...
walamak ! so jetfast you came from one heaven to come to this heaven ah !? thats fast. wait for us, we want read 2
nic : who cares? books are addictive but u will always find the time and place to finish it! so.. buy buy buy! cannot get enuf!
team bsg:
ketchup! lol
Ehhh.. bookfest? How come I didn't heard about it!?
we had a yellow hand band! I am salivating now at all those food you had eaten! "meleleh"
eh reli so nice the nasi bojari? at RM20/serving right? I never stepped in Mdm Kwan before. paiseh ...
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