Batu Road Pan Mee comes to Kota Damansara
Oh boy...
I am not JUST happy...
I am deliriously OVER THE MOON.. yes i am!
TODAY, when me and my colleagues went for lunch near our office, in Kota Damansara.. we saw this NEW sign.Do you know what this means? It means that my favourite Pan Mee stall of all time has come to PJ!!!! Yes it HAS! I don't need to traverse HELL'S JAM to get to the Batu Road Pan Mee shop anymore...
OOoo... joy... bliss!By the obvious looks of things, this Pan Mee family business has taken things to the next level. Yup!
Well.. good for them I say..! We couldn't help but notice the really cute T-shirts the staff were wearing as well... "Erm.... yah... " ,
Actually... the T-shirt was not bad...BUT ... it was the fashion-show that knocked our socks off. It really did.
The Batu Road Pan Mee is legendary for their LOOOOOOOONG, long wait. The food takes forever.
Here, it came like in 5 minutes !!!
My colleagues were thrilled....
So... what's all the FUSS about... ? Well.. here it is .... TA-DAH!
Gorgeous, gorgeous... bootylicious pan mee... hahahaha!
OK, ok.. let me walk you through it....
Stare at your bowl of Pan mee and go .... OOOOooooooooooo... !
Break up the Egg and simultaneously add the chili paste whilst mixing consistently...
(this is the same chili paste, by the way, as in the Batu Road outlet.. it knocks your socks off... and I am saying this as the QUEEN OF CHILI and ALL THINGS HOT.. so you've been warned!)
TOSS WELL, toss repeatedly, in a semi-coma like state... until you reach NIRVANA... (kidding.. kidding... Just toss it till it looks even in colour and the egg yolk is evenly distributed)
Eat it of course ... LIKE THERE'S NO TOMORROW... ! lol :P

Don't forget the soup that goes with it!
Well.. my colleague felt that the noodle at this place was not as SPRINGY as the one at the Batu Road outlet. He also felt that the portions served here were smaller... and just a TAD less yummie.
However... ME on the other hand.... I LOVED IT!
No complaints !
Just go and try it la... you'll see :P
Food : 7/10
Service : 6/10 (new mah...)
Price : RM5 per bowl (similar to Batu Road)
MSG levels : moderate (left us a lil thirsty)
1 comment:
Hi Mei.
Which part of the Kota Damansara?
I miss it very much too, must pay a visit there when i come Selangor!
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